You Are My Little Love Song (161)

Shi Niange paused in her footsteps and turned to look at him.

Seeing her suddenly sharp gaze, Xiao Da knew that she wouldn't believe him, but he still said shamelessly, "Although the contact list saved in the account won't disappear, the photos and messages in your phone… are all gone… especially the messages. Not a single one is left."

After saying this, he was prepared to be beaten up by Shi Niange. He stood there and glanced at her from time to time.

Shi Niange stood there in silence for a long time. She suddenly realized that after so many days of shock, she was actually somewhat numb.

No matter how angry and frustrated she was.

She held the passport in her hand and looked at him expressionlessly. "Xiao Da, do you want to die?"

Xiao Da's face was trembling. "Sister Nian, Sister Ge, Sister Shi, Ancestor, I really didn't do it on purpose!"