Chapter 27 The Introduction of the assistant (Part 1)

"Sir Frederick?"

Frederick that is behind me nodded. The guards that has hoods suddenly pointed at me with a united voice.

"Is he your first assistant sir?"

"Oh yes he is"

"What's your name then?"

I was kind of questioning them if they coukd be trusted and I suddenly remembered that if they aren't trusted then why did Frederick trusted them. He is over 500 years old.

"I'm Reginald Robay"

"hmmmm Reginald. Pls carry this amulet to symbolize that you are sir Fredericks assistant."

"Thank you"

I wear the amulet and asked if they are going to rebuild instanlty the bridge and let us pass. Suddenly they made way for us to enter the territory.

"Where is the bridge. You haven't fixed the bridge."

Suddenly Frederick walked forward and before walking into an empty space he suddenly speak.

"Sometimes the surroundings can lie on you that's why try it before judging it. "

After speaking he stepped forward and what surprises me is that the empty air begins to show a semi visible bridge in the thin air after that I followed.

"Who made this bridge? Wizards?"

"yes and the secrets of the bridge was only blow us"

All I can see is the broken bridge underneath us.

"The broken bridge?"

"Yes . First the bridge was built for it is needed for the invisible bridge and then it was spelled a cast for it to have a soul. and the-"

"soul so this bridge has a soul?"

"Yes . The former owner of the bridge was Necromancer and in order for him to live more he wished that his soul to be transfered at the bridge and then a spell was cast in order for it to stay on its position even the bridge was destroyed. With the help of other ascendants they used a materializing spell and for the final spell they broke the bridge resulting for the soul to be left behind and the rests of the structure was broken down thus making it an illusion."

"Then why don't you use before you die is it permitted?"

"Oh nope it was never permitted and this spell was never allowed for the ascendant necromancer who have done this marvelous act was already the bridge."

I can't believe that the bridge I am walking now was a former ascendant!

"Hmmmm looks like were here just make it on time on my class"

I was kind of nervous. Back on earth I have never talked to ladies nor introduce myself well yeah I am kind of nervous for what he said that we will both go into his class.

"ooohhhhhh Could you kindly get my book of will in my office. Just find Mr. Daniel and tell him that Mr. Frederick is in hurriedly need of his Book of will. The office is just right there with black wooden door. Thank you"


He hurridley went inside and I was left standing. I remebered he pointed the black door so I went there Without making hesitation I knocked the door twice.

The door opened revealing a man that is in black robe with blue gem on his neck part.

"I am sir Frederick's assistant And sir frederick needs his-"

"Your frederick's assistant? Could you show me your amulet?"

I showhim my amulet that is in my neck and then he was so shocked. But I want to finish my job so I said

"Uhmm sir the amul-"

"Hey my friendly wizards. Its sir Fredericks first assistant!! ahahahaha he finally has one"

I was nervous. I was shocked is it really a big thing to know?