Room mate 3

The moment Tiya opened the door, she felt relaxed after seeing a completely managed room, the sheets on the bed were clean, study table was well arranged and there was a sound of water flowing comming from the bathroom. She entered the room and then locked the door. Just at that time a head popped out of the bathroom.

"Hello you must be my room mate. Please make yourself comfortable. I will be out in five minutes."

What five minutes??? She came out of the washroom exactly after one long hour.

Tiya was smiling when she saw a beautiful girl wrapped in a towel was standing in front of her. Her curly noodles like hairs were wet and drops of water were dripping down from them. Her skin was flushing pink, probably because of hot water bath.

"hello I am Ruby. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

Ruby was looking at her for a reply but Tiya didn't utter a word she was just smiling.

"Hey what's up with your look??? Don't tell me that you like girls. "

Hahahaha the room filled with laughter when Tiya heard those words.

"Nah!!! babes I was just stunned to see you. You are so beautiful."

Ruby started blushing and then said "but you are even more beautiful than me."

"oh thanks for the compliment. Tell me what task you perform to get into the room? Did they ask for a dance to you as well?? " asked Tiya

"Nope I just sang a song and got the pass. "

After small round of gossips, Tiya realized that she has not eaten anything yet. So she asked Ruby, " Hey dear what's up with the food here? "

Ruby's brightly lit up face become dull and she said "Oh it's already late and there are strict mess timings here, even I am feeling very hungry but can't do anything. We have to wait till morning"