Mission: Seduce Tiya

Sam was following Tiya where ever she goes. He was acting like her shadow. At one point, when suddenly Tiya stopped walking, he was about to hit her. Seeing his such a behaviour, Ruby shaked her head and then she pulled him away from Tiya and said, "Sam what are you actually trying to do?"

Sam said smilingly," I simply want her to know how much I love her."

Ruby :"Do you think by following her you will be able to prove your love?? "

Sam:"... hmm???? I don't know but what else can I do" he asked.

Ruby: "I think you need help, 😉 don't worry our whole team will help you to accomplish this mission 😊"

Sam: "Thank u team."

Let's start our mission: Seduce Tiya

Step 1: Ignore her

Step 2: Make her feel jealous

Step 3 : Formal intro with a girlfriend

Step 4: Gain her sympathy

Step 5: Tell her about true feelings

Step 6: Propose her

Step 7: Parents consent

Step 8: Courtship time

Step 9: Marriage

Step 10 : Happy married life.

Sam: "Do you think these steps will work?? "

Ruby:" off course these steps are well tested by your cousin Joe and the result is here in front of you."