Ruby is coming

"Everyone in this mission has an important part to play so you better stuck with your tasks. " Ryan explained to him.

Sam's curiosity about the mission has reached to its peak level so he decided to get some information from Edd and Joe.

"Brother Joe do you know anything about all this? " Sam asked with a confused look on his face.

"We got to know about our powers almost a year ago, these powers were inside us from the very starting but we realized it when someone opened the door way to the source of negative energy, we are not sure about their identification nor do we know about their motives."Joe was about to say something more but he got a message from Ruby.

"Missing you" 😘

Joe read the message and asked everyone to leave at first and then he called ruby to come at his place.

After hearing Joe's explaination Sam was now even more confused 😕,"o God please someone tell me what is happening in my life. " he was talking to himself when someone knocked the door.

Sam opened the door and it was Ruby she was looking extremely beautiful.

Sam got the idea what is going to happen now so he left the place with all other thoughts in his mind.

Edd and Ryan also left the room leaving the two love birds alone in their love nest.

Joe grabbed Ruby in his arms and closed the door with a kick.