Good luck fuck

Tiya woke up as she was feeling restless because of severe headache,"Oh God my head is hurting like hell." with difficulty she tried to opened her eyes but her eyes were taking time to open up, she tried to move her body to opposite direction, but the other side of the bed is... is, "Oh no! what the heck! Is someone sleeping with me? Shit, Shit, Shit! Where the hell am I? " she tried to think but she was not able to recall a single moment from last night, as it is one of the major effect of that rape drug that was given to her.

She tried to touch her stomach that was hurting badly but she was all naked."Damn I am not even wearing my underwear." She cursed and then again with full force she tried to move her body.

With the little disturbance in bed, Sam put his arm around her slender waist, his hands moved upward and in his sleep, he squeezed her breasts lightly.

Tiya panicked but she really doesn't want to wake up the person sleeping soundly behind her, once again she tried to push herself up from the bed and this time, finally she was able to move her body.

She was really afraid, her heart was beating at an alarming rate but still she opened her eyes slowly and when she saw Sam sleeping soundly behind her, she relaxed, but again in no time she opened her eyes wide and saw a naked Sam in her bed.

Well it was his bed but no... the question is they both are in same bed and they both are fully naked.

She slapped him hard on his arm that was still around her waist holding her possessively. Sam winced on her hit but he looked at her with his signature grin and immediately flipped to pin her underneath himself.

Tiya was bewildered and she was about to curse him loudly but her words dissolved in her throat only when she realized that something was poking on her lower abdomen.

She blushed hard and her face immediately turned deep red. Sam got closer to her as he started sucking her earlobe. His breath was hot, that cause a tickling sensation.

While nibbling on her neck, Sam's hands made their way downwards.

In his deep seductive voice, Sam said, "You are so wet baby, You are so wet and so ready for me."

Tiya lowered her eye lashes as she felt ashamed of herself.

"Tiya, just look at me, baby. I love you and I know you also love me. I just want to eat you baby. I want to Fuck you with all my heart. May I??? "

Tiya came back to her senses when Sam crashed his lips with hers.

Suddenly she said "You should have asked this yesterday, but now after doing all this, you are asking for my permission?huh?"

Sam smiled a little and then said, "Well, I would have taken your permission last night if I had done anything to you. It was clearly you, who have taken advantage of me last night."

Tiya's face twitched on hearing his accusation,"What? ¿ did I??? oh God why I don't remember anything ???"

Sam picked out his phone and make her listen their whole conversation of last night.

on hearing her recording, she felt so embarrassed that she wanted to run away but Sam hold her firmly in his arms as he was ready to devour her completely early in the morning.

"It's my first day for competition. I want a good luck charm from you." he said while caressing her cheeks.

Without any reply Tiya just closed her eyes as Sam moved his hardness inside her slowly. After a few minutes, the whole room was filled with loud moans and grunts of two beings who are so much in love with each other that they almost forgot their outer world