
Aglovale's chamber

"""" elyo bro, what up?? Please tell me something sweet, I need good news from you, I can't wait to hear that she is expecting me in her chamber '''"" fredrick yelled immediately he opened the door of aglovale chamber, who is busy sleeping and snoring loudly ''' wake up my friend, why on earth are you sleeping, when you are yet to break the news to me'"" fredrick shake the half dead aglovale as he grow more restless

Fighting back the intruder disturbing his sleep """" please stop disturbing me, the last time I checked, you were the one that told me you don't joke with you afternoon nap and who the hell told you that I have not completed my mission?? """

"""" alright then, tell me the outcome of your meeting with her"""

Sits up and stretch his arm toward fredrick ""' not so fast, my prince you have to keep the end of the deal, where is the chicken and wine I ask for '''''

With a straight face fredrick """ bro it not fair, you..... '"""

""""Calm down, you know there is no brother in jungle, we made a deal so you keep your end of the deal and I tell you the outcome of my mission ''''" aglovale chipped in not buying into fredrick plead '"""' you are the prince man!!, with just one word my reward would have been granted since, why stress the issue??? ''' Pushing fredrick to the door ""'' leave now, when you get the wine and chicken you come for your result '''''

'""Alright no problemo!!!!, what goes around, comes around, live to remember this day bro, for I shall repay you back with the same coin"""' fredrick gives up and asked the guard standing at the door post to go tell the chief maid, to prepare chicken for him "''' OK your request in coming shortly, now tell me what I want to hear, and you dare not toy with my curiosity ""'"" fredrick spoke with authority as he approach aglovale, with no smile nor joy on his face, total seriousness

'''''"" now we are talking!!! , come let sit down and discuss we have huge mission to plan if you must make her your queen, and you must listen to me, you must come for instructions and always update me, while I do the same for us to be on the same page"""'""''' dragging fredrick to the parlour of his chamber

'''"" am sitting down, now start vomiting it now!! """ fredrick bark like a frustrated dog

'"""Yes my prince, hahaha this is the first time am seeing you like this, I guess she is your weakness..... Ok back to business, her resistance is quite strong and I must say she is beautiful... """

""""I already know that she is beautiful so skip the introduction "" the inpatient fredrick cuts him off

""" ok she sees you as a wicked person who abuse his power, that why you got her trap in your magnificent cell... She thinks you still keep slaves even after your father have abolished it... I have been able to change that perceptive, so for now all you have to do is be a friend to her because I told her that you are kind of lonely and in need of friends that felt the same things you felt"""''

""'"' just that?? And you made me order a whole chicken for you??!! """" fredrick who have been quiet all through the reporting suddenly yelled out

""""" if you had seen how furious and threatening she sounded , you won't be reacting like this"""""" aglovale sighs, and explains more"""" relax dude, emotional battle is not physical battle that you win instantly, you have to give it time for the feeling to reciprocate, so tell me how did the meeting go?? Were you able to delay the princess bla-bla-bla??? "'''''' changing the topic to calm down the tensed up fredrick

""''"Yes I did and I will be going to border town and some other villages to nullify some bandits and their effect, I guess that will give you enough time to do what ever you want to do"""' fredrick replied his question with high expectations

""'' what!! You are going to fight??, am going with you I wanna see how you will knock out some bad ass.... And again you are the one to impress her bro not me, I... """"

''"" what!!!! You mean you are not going to do anything again and you made me order a whole chicken for you??, I will kill you before you ever get the chances to eat the chicken "''' with that said fredrick dive across the table toward aglovale seat, who saw the incoming attack and ran off to his bedroom, shitting the door behind him

"'''You better open this door, you are just delaying your death, I will.... ''''

'''''''Your highness, prince Richard , your uncle is back from yok city and he ask of your presence, he is currently at the pond near his chamber at the open field '''''' a steward at door interrupt fredrick who is trying to gain forced access into the bed room

"'"'' ok, go tell him i will be there in a jiffy..... hey bro, come out.... Let me meet my uncle, I think it will be a pleasure if you die by his hands"""''

"""""You don't expect me to follow you to my death, like a humble ram, am not coming out and am not going anywhere with you,""""

""""Oh cut the crap, you know I won't kill you, I still need you around, let go to my uncle and after that your chicken will be ready then"""" fredrick replied in soft voice to pacify aglovale who opened the door after few minutes


Prince Richard chamber

Fredrick and aglovale arrived at the open field in prince Richard chamber but met his absent

""""" hey you, go look for prince Richard and him that am waiting for him under the tree at the field""" fredrick ordered a nearby guard as he walk towards the tree to hide himself from the scorching sun "" come, let go over there and wait for him, he will be here as soon as he knows am waiting for him""'"

the confused aglovale asked fredrick, as he followed him down to the where the tree is, like a dummy """ prince Richard??? You have another brother???, you didn't tell me... You have not even mention his name in our conversation... Hope he will like me?? '''

'''' am the only child of my family, prince Richard is my father's elder brother, they are three Richard, Raymond and Roland; but the later died of cancer, so I was told and the other, prince Richard denounced his throne for a girl..... A commoner"""" fredrick sat down under the shade of the tree and start explaining the complicated relationship he shares with prince Richard

"""" ok, so what is his current title, where is his domain??? And his family.... What about them?? "''" aglovale asked getting more interested about prince Richard

"""" hmmmmm.... He still answer the prince title and enjoy all the rights and privilege of a prince... He refused to accept any domain or territory allocated to him but roam in and out of the kingdom..... """"

"""" what??!!!, wait you mean he have been to other kingdoms, he must be a great adventurer and must have wide knowledge of culture, people, tradition and even a huge arsenal of spell "" aglovale cut him off, thinking about how magnificent prince Richard is

The continent is made up of four big kingdoms, of which kingdom of crimson valley is one of them, each have jurisdiction over its territory and its authority can't its border; for one to travel the whole four kingdom, that person must be a rogue elite, swordman, business mogul, or a fine magic user to fight his way through because royal power and diplomat like royal envoys, hardly go far because not all kingdom are on the same page; even traders dread the ideal of traveling from one kingdom to another

'""" he will never change this annoying habit of cutting my speech"" fredrick watch his friend and shock his head """" his life is not so sweet as you see it so..... He is a broken man, bro.... He lost his wife and two kids to a deadly illness that broke out in the village that he was at that time and since then he have lived a life of a wanderer, wandering the whole kingdom..... Nay, continent and maybe beyond "''' getting up to greet his uncle """ here he comes, you need not worry about his acceptance, he lives among commoners, so adjusting is not an issue for him"""

"""Wow, look at my lovely cousin!!!!; the little boy, I usually carry and he soil and mess up my body with his pee, that cubby boy that won't let us rest, disturbing everybody any anybody... Tell me, how have you been? """" prince Richard almost shouted as he gets closer to them, with big broad smile, showing all his teeth, on getting to fredrick, he reach out to hug him

""""" I heard about all your escapade, and the girl you came back with, hope she is beautiful and.... """

""" ah!!!!, uncle don't you trust me again??''' Fredrick asked back feeling like an athlete, who won a gold medal

Scratching fredrick head and scattering his hair, something he always unconsciously do and fredrick have tried to all avail to stop him"""" of course my boy I trust you..... You remain me of your father when we were much younger"""""

"""Lie!!! Father said I took after you and now you said I took after him''''

""" well he is right, you took after me only in leaving the palace castle..... Just like you, I hate all those boring activities, they carry out day by day '""""

said uncle, meet my friend.... You can call him my right hand man if you wish to "" changing the topic, fredrick introduce aglovale who seen lost in the conversation

''''" what is your name boy!!"" Prince Richard asked with deep baritone voice trying to scared aglovale

""" aglovale, sir, """ aglovale replied, a bit nervous

""" hmmmmm... He said, you are his right hand man.... So don't forget to slap him hard, anytime he does something wrong..... Come here boy!!"""" Holding him on his shoulder and drags him in for a hug..... Something aglovale have not experience before, and finds it strange but is happy he got one

""""""This your friend... I like him""" prince Richard finally gives his acceptance as he scratched and scatted aglovale hair

"""So tell me boy, how much have you grown your magic??... Have you sign you Summoning contract??... how many spell, can you cast perfectly?? """ prince Richard asked with high expectations

""''' nothing much, I find my training hour with my tutor boring so I prefer doing something else during training hours "" fredrick replied, trying to give excuses, staring at the green grass under his shoes as if they are under his custody

"""""' not good enough boy, remember no excuses, you are suppose to train yourself, with or without any teacher... You are to practice everyday to perfect you spells.... Grow your magic essence and energy..... And most importantly, grow stronger so that no body will mess with you"'''' a bit disappointed, prince fredrick tried scolding

'"'' but uncle I have learn new spell and perfected some.... While improving others""" fredrick chipped in, trying to regain his respect from his uncle

'''''"Alright come show me what you got... Come and kick this old man ass''''" prince Richard replied, rolling up his sleeves, apparently ready for battle