
The embraced kid looked over the shoulder of the young woman in beige. He was nervous but finally, he closed his eyes and grabbed onto her robes to rest.



A teenager in pale green robes ran to her when she entered into the restaurant of an above average inn.

"Hong Hong, sent fresh fruit, green apple juice and options two, five and nine of the menu to my room.

"Oh and get me a simple set of robes for this little kid," she said as she passed by the teenager to go to the steps that lead to the upper floors.

"Yes," he turned around and gave a reverence.


"Little kid, little kid, you can't sleep right now. You need to take a bath," she moved the little child.

"Umh?" He moved and blinked at her with his big blue eyes.

"You are going to bathe," she repeated herself.

He looked reluctant so she added, "you won't eat if you don't bathe.

"You have to be clean to eat."

After staring at her with a no in his eyes, he finally nodded.

"Good child," she patted his head.

"…" since the first time, he had felt strange being patted on the head by a stranger; however, it didn't feel unpleasant, in fact, it felt rather nostalgic.



The young woman left the child wrapped in a big piece of fabric on the bed and she headed to the not faraway door.


"Come in."

The teenager entered and from a low-grade space pocket, he took out the food and put it on the square wooden table that was two metres before the bed.

"Here are the robes," after all the food was on the table, he turned to her and gave her a set of child robes of common materials.

'... Beige?

'Haa- he took too much freedom.'