Poisonous Field III

With the people gone, she leapt in the air.

The forest she was going to was the Deep Blue Forest.

It was relative faraway by carriage from the Imperial Capital as it might take around a month to reach it with a good mount but by flying with her strength it would only take her a couple of hours.

She didn't descend when she came to be above the Deep Blue Forest but continue flying until she came near the heart of the forest.

An invisible force was forcing her down.

To not tire herself more, she descended just as she felt it and then, she continued by jumping from tree to tree. Her soul strength aided her in avoiding the awaked mystic beast and the sleeping holy beast on her way to the cave.

Even though she didn't know where exactly the cave was, she knew in which area the blue grass grew.

"Umm?" She stopped, 'What's that greyish mist?'

She furrowed her brows in contemplation but didn't let her soul strength explore the mist, '… poison?' The greyish mist was where the blue grass grew and coupled with the child's words, she came up with it without inspecting it.

She retrieved her soul strength and took out a golden fabric; she wrapped the still sleeping child with it and then, laid him on the ground before a tree.

"Haa-," she sighed, 'I can't let you in the space of the cat-shaped black pendant. Even though you are a child, I can't run risks by exposing the World Necklace but…'

After thinking for a while which of her protective treasures will be the fittest, she rubbed her forehead, 'Whatever, if the worst case happens, I can run…'

She took set of four banners; it was a heavenly treasure. It wasn't the most powerful protective item she had as her master had given her two or three more powerful ones but she couldn't use them yet; her strength wasn't enough. Even so, a heavenly treasure was enough to stir trouble with the most powerful cultivators of this land.