Chapter.48 Bottleneck and Barbarians!!

Early in the night close to sunrise, a figure holding a spear could be seen performing a motion with the spear.

Tianlong: HA!

Ding!! Ding!!


Ding!! Ding!!

When Tianlong struck out, he hit 5 dummies in 3 seconds and stopped. It's not right! What am I missing!?

Tianlong was pondering about what was wrong with his new technique he developed from training every day but couldn't perfect it anymore and was stuck with a bottleneck to reach the (Caught a glimpse of the gate) to completely understand this technique better.

Soon Tianlong tried again and again but still couldn't figure out what he was missing and got agitated before he remembered who his father was.

Tianlong: I'm an idiot! I could ask father for help!

Tianlong then rushed off towards his father and mothers' room and waited for them to wake up.

It was around 7 am and Lu Bu and Diao Chan had already awoken to find their son waiting outside their room patiently.

Lu Bu stared at Tianlong for awhile before asking Long'er what's wrong?

Tianlong looked at his father with anticipation and asked Father can you help me?

Lu Bu felt curious because his son had never asked him for help before and naturally agreed.

Tianlong then led Lu Bu to the training ground where countless dummies were broken and torn to pieces while a wooden spear stood coldly against a tree.

Lu Bu seeing such a scene quickly understood what his son wanted help with since he also had problems like this before he became what he was feared and worshipped for.

Lu Bu silently walked to the weapon stand and picked up a wooden spear as well and said.

Lu Bu: Come show me what you're stuck on!!!

Tianlong got fired up that Lu Bu his father was going to help him with his martial arts and quickly got his spear,

Tianlong and Lu Bu stood a few meters apart from each other and started circling around the training ground before Tianlong rushed out and shouted.


Lu Bu: Come I shall greet your feelings through battle!!!

DING!!!! DING!!!



The Father and Son quickly exchanged 20 blows and were continuing without stop and almost reached 40 blows before Lu Bu unleashed a ferocious attack breaking Tianlong's spear and sending him 7 steps back.


This blow was heard across the entire mansion scaring the maids, guards and even awoke Lingqi which made them all rush to the sound.

When they arrived at the scene, they saw was shocking. They saw their master and little master circling each other on the training grounds without stop giving off mighty intents of battle. If they were to describe it, it would look like a Beta challenging the mighty wolf king for leadership.

Tianlong and Lu Bu noticed the maids, guards, and Lingqi but didn't bother and stayed focused on their battle.

Soon Lu Bu rushed out savagely like a demon and sent 8 jabs towards Tianlong who was standing with his eyes closed while the attacks closed in on him.

Lingqi and the guards looked at Tianlong with confusion but before they could say anything his eyes shot wide open.

Under the fading Moon's light, Tianlong's eyes shined like a Demon which scared the maids.

Tianlong: Rushing Boas Slithering Curl!!!

Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!!

Shang!!! Shang!!!

Tear!! Splat!!!

Tianlong stood with a ripped-up robe which showed his tanned body which had a few scars on it which made the maids blush.

Tianlong walked forward and knelt and said Thank you, Father, for your help!!!

Lu Bu shook his head and helped Tianlong stand up and said your flaw was your reason why you made it and what was your goal for it that's what stopped you from breaking through!

With that Lu Bu walked back to his room where his mother Diao Chan wiped off his sweat and greeted Lingqi and Tianlong before going back inside.

Tianlong stood at his fathers fading back and was pondering about the words he said.

After awhile Lu Lingqi walked up towards Tianlong in her uniform and said there was a request from Uncle Gao.

After hearing Lingqi Tianlong quickly went back to his courtyard and dumped cold water on himself before undressing and putting on his armor.

Tianlong and Lingqi rode off towards their Uncle Gao's mansion to find out what he wanted.

Soon Tianlong and Lingqi arrived but were stopped by two guards before Gao Shun came out holding a map with marking on it.

Gao Shun: AH! Long'er Qi'er!! Come come!!! I have something to discuss!

After that greeting Tianlong and Lingqi followed to a hall filled where Zhang Liao, Wei Xu, Song Xian, and Hou Cheng stood seated looking at a map.

Zhang Liao: Little Qi! Come give uncle a hug!!

Lingqi and Zhang Liao shared an unbreakable bond since she was a baby and always followed Zhang Liao everywhere, he went.

Lu Lingqi: Uncle!!! I missed you!!

Tianlong smiled and greeted everyone before looking at the map.

Gao Shun saw Tianlong staring at the map and started talking.

Gao Shun: what you see is the tracks of a barbarian group which came northwest in the breach of the great wall, they are expected to come through this valley but none of us can move our armies without leaving a border unguarded so I... no, we want little lord with his army to ride out and meet the barbarian force and stall them for 3 weeks which is when one of us can leave our border.

Tianlong looked shocked and quickly said what do you mean? My army is of recruits that aren't battle hardened and only 1thousand from the army are trained from the previous rebellion and Blood sword siege!

Gao Shun expected an answer like that and said little lord, not all armies are made from training but from bloodshed if you want your army to grow then meet that barbarian force head-on!!

Tianlong had a face of anger but suddenly spoke.

Tianlong: Captain Lu gather the army in front of the city in 2 hours make sure everything is in order and in check I shall go get something real, quick.

Soon Tianlong and Lingqi went different ways and started preparing.

Tianlong went back to Tian Feng's shop dressed in his armor which surprised the people, but he didn't mind.

Tianlong: Brother Feng did you do the thing I asked?

When Tianlong shouted a man wearing an apron appeared and looked surprised.

Tian Feng: what's wrong brother Tian?

Tianlong: Change of plans get your 500 chefs ready and go to the city gate in 2 hours we ride to meet a barbarian group!

When Tianlong said that the people around looked surprised that another battle was happening so soon after the bandit subjugation and was shocked that the young man from yesterday was really a general and looked mighty with his black armor on.

Tian Feng: I can have them ready in 2 hours, but I can't say they can see blood.

Tianlong: they aren't going to see blood they shall only help maintain morale by cooking from time to time that's all, but you are able to lead a group of 100 and nothing else.

Soon two hours had passed and Tianlong's army of 10thousand had gathered in front of Dunhuang where they were sent off by Lord Lu Bu along with Generals Zhang, Gao, Wei, Song, and Hou.

Tianlong: ALL FORCES MARCH!!!!

Soon the Black horse army marched towards the barbarian forces and with it, their black flag with a horse and the symbol Lu stood proudly and swayed with the wind as the army marched off.