Chapter.61 Battle for Wuwei and Descent of The Young Tiger.

Tianlong who had his army of 7thousandish surround Wuwei as a garrison of 3thousand was present which Tianlong took advantage of and immediately attacked all four gates.

The enemy captain commanding the garrison stared at the army of 2thousand from afar and could see multiple flags bearing the symbol Lu was awoken by his men's scream captain! Captain the east wall enemies have a foothold!

Captain the gates are being hit with battering rams and are almost open what do we do?!

Enemy captain: damn it all we can't defend! Raise the white flag and open the gates we can't hold them!

Tianlong from afar could see one of the Huang flags being lowered as a white flag slowly rose in the sky Tianlong seeing the flag shouted out, All force halt the enemy surrender archers bows ready in case they don't surrender have Kong Feng take 4thousand clear the city!

As Tianlong spoke his eyebrow twitched and he looked eastwards.

Tianlong saw a small dust cloud being picked up by the wind from afar which Tianlong followed as it was getting somewhat close.

Tianlong: someone! Send another thousand with Kong Feng and send word to Fu Chen leave a thousand guarding and bring 9thousand to Wuwei a battle shall happen soon! Send word to Ai Feng to come down with his full 3thousand and make for Wuwei their army of 30thousand marches back!

After Tianlong's words an hour passed and with it, Tianlong and his army sat in Wuwei awaiting their reinforcements while waiting Tianlong sent a messenger to the 8thousand reinforcements of the impending battle.

Tianlong stood on the walls facing eastward as the dust got closer but looked clear as he saw Fu Chen arrive first with his 9thousand.

Fu Chen: I greet lord!

Tianlong: mm how went Wuwei village?

Fu Chen: very fast lord! There was no garrison while some citizens put up resistance.

Tianlong: I figured some enemy general last name Chen took the garrisons to form an army of 30thousand which should've went to Zhuyin fort but returned!

Lu Lingqi looked at her brother who was talking to Fu Chen before speaking, Brother you say an army of 30thousand we have only 20thousand minus some detachments left for defense!

Tianlong: well Sister if I'm right father set a force of 8thousand from my message I sent to him and they should be somewhere near fort Wuwei we have to hold till they arrive they the counterattack beings!

Tianlong immitted a fierce aura as he gazed at everyone before he returned looking eastwards…

Two hours pasted and Ai Feng finally arrived with his 3thousand and joined the main army to form 20thousand.

Tianlong who looked eastwards turned towards the soldiers eating, resting or playing and spoke, Brothers! Now that all 20thousand of us are here we march to determine the fate of Wuwei!

The soldiers relaxing, sleeping or playing heard Tianlong and were awoken or rushed to the east gate.

Soon all 20thousand were ready to march and were waiting for Tianlong to give the command.

Tianlong: we march! We shall drink to our victory to come after brothers!

Soldiers: Uraah!!!

With that the army of 20thousand marched to meet the army of 30thousand near Xiliang pasture…

Three hours later…

Tianlong and his army arrived near the Xiliang horse pasture which was a hilly but plains area.

Tianlong: We shall set up on the hills and let them come to us!

Tianlong chose to setup on the hills for his ferocious Demon Cavalry who were proficient in riding down hills.

After Tianlong and his army set up atop the hills an hour passed before the dust trail was right before them.

Riding through the forest Chen Zuren was now sure that something was off with Wuwei as he continued forward through the forest with his army.

Enemy soldier 1: general! General! There's an army ahead on the hills! They bear Lu flags!

Chen Zuren: to think I would met this young tiger! Hahaha we shall have a battle to the death! All troops assume formations 200 steps forward!

Chen Zuren looked towards the hilltops as he saw a shadowy figure in front of the army on his horse.

Tianlong who was looking towards the enemy army spotted a yellow caped figure leading looking towards him.

Tianlong: ha let us have fun in this battle! Everyone spread out assume the crane formation!

As Tianlong spoke from the sky one could see Tianlong's army on the hills take to a giant crane on the hills.

Chen Zuren: damn! Everyone double time! We must not let them form their formation as Che Zuren said that 20thousand of the 30thousand marched forward.

Soon the gap between the two armies were small and they were about to clash.

Tianlong: Archers fire! Spears spear wall! Ferocious Demon Cavalry strike out! Ha! As Tianlong said that the 5thousand cavaliers around him rushed down the hills after Tianlong who led at forefront.

Chen Zuren: what! Spears quick spear wall!

As Chen Zuren said that it was to late as Tianlong who struck out was soon followed by the cavaliers who quickly broke through the enemy first line with ease.

Tianlong: spears flank them! Archers fire we shall show them what our Black Horse Army is made of Charge!

Tianlong who had successfully lured the enemy in from taking a defensive position strode forth like a crouching tiger descending down the mountain after its prey.

Chen Zuren smiled at this predicament as he gave orders.

Captain: General Chen! Daifu unit is asking for back up!

Captain 2: General! Kailing unit is routed the core of our defense 4th and 7th unit are under attack!

Chen Zuren: Send Hofei to the 4th and Feng Ji to the seventh they should be able to calm that fire!

Captain 3: general that unit bearing the Demon horse has broken through the 2nd line! Should we call for Deputy Gin?

Chen Zuren: Not needed! If he breaks through the fourth line alert me! Have Fusin take 300 brothers and flank the enemy they have a front wide open!

As Chen Zuren was giving commands Tianlong who was in the center of the Ferocious Demon Cavalry saw the flag bearing Chen behind the 7th line.

Tianlong: Someone!

Soldier: general?

Tianlong: Send word to Ai Feng to take 3thousand cavaliers and punch through the right towards the enemy general same for Kong Feng have Lu Lingqi takeover the left while Ai Feng advance while Fu Chen shall command the left!

Tianlong had set up 3 strokes for Chen Zuren's head with himself being one of them but that's what Tianlong gambled on seeing which bait he takes will lead to his death.

Chen Zuren saw as the left was pierced through by a unit bearing Ai and on the right Kong.

Chen Zuren: Send Su Hao to fight that Ai unit and Feng Min to that Kong unit I shall deal with Lu Tianlong!

Chen Zuren was surrounded on all sides as Tianlong, Ai Feng and Kong Feng strode towards him.

Chen Zuren: hahaha! Men send word to Fujian have him advance to the center with 500 and stall Tianlong! I shall make for that Kong Unit with Feng Min!

Tianlong saw a flag bearing Fujian heading towards him while he saw two blurry flags making way to Kong Feng.

Tianlong: To have such sharp instinct is he an instinctual general?

In this world there laid two types of general being the logical and instinctual type generals, instinctual type generals moved by their instinct and moved in strange ways different from the Logical type generals who think with strategic views and so on.

Tianlong: Send word to Fu Chen to assist Kong Feng he shall be besieged by two general or captains!

This battle would continue till dawn where both armies would retreat.

Tianlong with his modern-day military thinking was able to control Chen Zuren's falls from his instincts and would go on to take 7thousand of his 20thousand while 3thousand on Tianlong's side perished.

Black Horse Army Camp…

Tianlong sat in his tent along with Ai Feng, Fu Chen, Kong Feng, Lu Lingqi, Zhao Fu Guan Hai, Sima Ying, Sima Zang, Hanan Zhou, Zhao Fu, Shi Jun and Hou Fengxian.

Tianlong: we hit them hard on the first clash and he shall now be wary of advancing towards us this shall be attrition warfare till our 8thousand reinforcements arrive and we sweep them in one move!

Fu Chen: my lord! Have we thought about a night?

Tianlong who heard Fu Chens idea spoke, Good! Send word to the Ferocious Demon Cavalry all 5thousand are to harass the enemy each night with a thousand riders!

Fu Chen: are you sure you want to use your personal army my lord?

Tianlong: of course! I have faith in my demons of the north! You weren't there but the remaining old-guard turned into demons with me to defend the pass till the Lord arrived!

Fu Chen: aah! So that's why milord is so confident In the Demon Cavalry as they are veterans!

Tianlong: besides this we shall have our 17thousand take to the hills to our right and if his 13thousand dare come again we shall defend this time!

After the meeting Tianlong had gone to sleep after fighting at the front all day.

Morning had come and with it the Ferocious Demon Cavalry had the tent area smelling of blood as they had raided the enemy all night and even went to the other army of 10thousand which brought cheering from the soldiers in the morning.