You Just Look Gorgeous

Arya was awakened by the doorbell. "Who the heck is this, so early in the morning?" She rose up and just put on a robe. She did not even bother to fix her hair, which was slightly messed up.

With eyes still closed and yawning she opened the door. "Yes?" She said as she rubbed her eyes. Her eyes suddenly enlarged when she saw Ryu before her with a dark face.

"Did you just open the door without looking at the door peephole first?" He asked frowning.

Arya nodded and said, "How did you know?"

Ryu's eyebrow arched and he said, "Your eyes were still closed when you opened the door. What if it's a bad person? You should be careful at least."

He was obviously scolding her. 'When did we become that close?' Arya thought inwardly.

This time, Arya's eyebrow arched, "Hey it's a five-star hotel and the best in this country. Besides, I am a stranger here, so who will do me any harm, as it's only you that know me here. Anyway, why are you here so early?"

Ryu's eyebrow creased, as he said, "It's past 8:00 in the morning already. What 'so early' are you saying? We were supposed to have breakfast together. Your phone is out of reach, so I decided to check on you."

"You could have called my room line instead," she said simply and looked at the wall clock on her back and gasped when she saw the time.

"I'll be fast. You go first and I'll be there in 5, no 10 minutes. I'm so sorry." She said timidly and closed the door. She had a quick shower and quickly put on her clothes.

She had gone to sleep very late last night, practically it was past midnight. She was thinking about the options Kay had, demanding his compensation.

She was in a predicament the whole night. She was thinking about what would be the best thing to do, and in the end, she decided to stick with the plan. She forgot to charge her phone, which was all drained at this moment.

She quickly put on some light make-up and headed out to the hotel café.

Ryu was already drinking his coffee when she arrived. He had been staring at her the whole time. Arya felt uncomfortable and asked, "What? Do I have dirt on my face?"

He smiled and said, "Nothing, you just look gorgeous."

Arya suddenly blushed. She was caught off guard with his sudden bluntness and she was out of words all of a sudden, so she just asked, "What's with you, so early in the morning?"

"Am I the first one telling you about that? It's a compliment because I appreciate beauties." Ryu said with a smile.

He was pleased to see how Arya's face was flushing because of his words.

"Thank you for appreciating my beauty then," Arya replied. 'You are flirting with the wrong person.' She wanted to voice out loud, but instead, she just smiled at him sweetly.

Ryu's heart raced fast with that simple smile. It was the first time he felt something like this, just seeing a woman smile.

A while ago, he was actually worried about her when he kept on calling her mobile number and it was out of reach, so he practically ran towards her room and did not think about calling on her hotel room line instead.

And after that, he just found her in her room, looking still sleepy and messy. She really didn't bother what others might think of her or maybe, she was just too confident that she would still look good under any circumstances? Well, he found her still cute and striking, without the make-up, combined with her messy hair.

He was obviously physically attracted to her.

"Give me your schedule for today and for the rest of the days of your stay here." Ryu suddenly spoke.

Arya raised an eyebrow. 'What a demanding dude,' she thought inwardly before she said plainly, "Why? I don't think it's necessary."

"Yesterday you said that you have rehearsals. I just want to make sure there will be no conflict within our schedules whenever I ask you to accompany me. I will also give you mine, so in case you feel lonely, you can ask me out anytime." Ryu explained.

"Just call or message me whenever you feel like going out and I will do the same, then we will know if there's a conflict or not? What do you think? We are not in the company for logging or something like that?" She commented and she had noticed Ryu's lips curl.

'Is he annoyed?' She thought and immediately pulled back her words and said. "Alright, Mr. Ryu Ken, I almost forgot that since you're in the business world you must be a synchronized and a very organized person. Fine, I will give you my schedule." She said as she rolled her eyes.

Then, she added, "Just stop with the curling of your lips now so early in the morning."

Ryu then smiled widely at her and winked.

Arya's stomach grumbled, but not from hunger, it was more like butterflies were flying inside all over it.

'What is this Arya? Get a hold of yourself! You are not allowed to feel anything towards him. You are a bad person, who has a bad motive towards him!' She inwardly scolded and reminded herself.


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