Ask Permission

Arya was smiling on her own as she entered her room. Ryu walked her off and gave her a goodnight kiss. She felt like she was a teenager who had a fluffy date with a boyfriend, because of the goodnight kiss on her forehead.

'How old am I anyway?' Arya thought inwardly and let out a wicked smile. Then she hurried back to her door to run for Ryu and show him the proper kiss for their age.

'He is probably at the elevator already or if he walked slowly he'll be at the hallway this time.' She thought to herself as she excitedly walked to the door.

She opened the door to get out when she accidentally bumped into someone outside the door.

"O-ooppss sor-ry. Ah, y-you're still here?" Arya's forehead wrinkled when she saw Ryu who also looked surprised with a guilty smile.

Then, she saw him sigh deeply, as he said, "I w-ant to sleep here. I pro-mise, I will be go-od. I will just cud-dle you th-e who-le night."

Arya wanted to laugh because of Ryu's expression while he said the words. It was like he was hesitating and he was avoiding eye contact with her.

Arya's brow arched while she crossed her arms, then commented, "What is this? Are you asking for my permission or what? Your sentence seems to be more like informing me and not asking me?"

Arya was hiding her laughter; she wanted to hear it from him. She wanted him to ask for her permission, which he clearly stated that he was not used to.

This time Ryu sighed and exhaled loudly as he looked at her directly. "Alright, you are an exception, so I will ask you. C-can I, can I, can I sleep here?" He asked stuttering.

Arya no longer suppressed it and burst out into laughter after hearing him. She couldn't actually believe that Ryu would stammer just for that simple question.

"Oh, you are killing me, is it really hard for you to ask permission or something like that?" She commented still laughing.

Ryu just pouted his lips as he scratched his head. Yes, it was hard for him because he always got what he wanted directly to the point, no more asking or whatsoever. That was part of his upbringing. Since had been born, it really was the first time he asked someone for permission.

He smiled lovingly as he looked at Arya, he made her laugh. That was also the first time he saw someone laugh like her because of him, and he was happy and felt fulfilled, thinking he was responsible for that joy in her eyes.


Arya quickly cleaned up herself and went to hide behind the comforter. She was in her sleep shirt because she was not used to wearing pajamas.

Her mind was debating if she should wear her bra or not, but she chose not to because she was really not comfortable sleeping with it. Besides, she thought Ryu wouldn't bother to even notice it because her cotton nightshirt was quite thick.

Her phone finally rang and it was her mom. "Dear, your sister's operation just finished. She is still unconscious and will be transferred to the recovery room for monitoring. According to the doctor, it was successful. I am now waiting for her to be transferred back to her room."

"See Mom, Reese is a fighter, so you should also stay strong for her. All this will pass soon. Call me as soon as Reese wakes up. Please take some rest too, Mom, I love you." Arya was smiling as she said that words.

"Okay dear, you too, take care there and don't worry too much about us. I love you too," said her mom, then hung up the phone.

Arya closed her eyes to say her thanks for the successful operation. She was so happy that she almost forgot about Ryu sleeping beside her. She closed her eyes and quickly drowsed off to sleep.


Ryu entered the room using the room card Arya gave him. He smiled as he saw Arya who was already sleeping soundly. 'Did I take that long?' He asked himself as he silently walked to the bed. He lay down beside her under the same comforter and moved closer to Arya as he hugged her from behind. Her scent was filling his nose.

Arya moved, so his hand accidentally went to her soft breast. He could fully feel that tender spot because, obviously, she was not wearing a bra.

Ryu cursed when, with that simple brushing, he felt his body was already burning. He was tempted to grasp it, and the flashback of him kissing those soft buds this morning suddenly clouded his mind.

Arya moved abruptly taking off the comforter from her body as if it was a disturbance on her sleep and shifted her position with her back on the bed as she raised her arms upwards with her legs apart. She actually looked like a starfish in that position.

Ryu laughed at her, however, it did not help to put off the fire that was ignited inside him. Rather, he was tortured more, seeing Arya's shirt rose upper, showing her beautiful curvy legs and panty.

Ryu gulped several times, as his mind was debating on what he should do, but clearly, some part of his body was deciding on its own.



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