Wolfish Side in Him

"So, you have intentionally abducted me?" Arya asked in disbelief.

She still couldn't believe that Ryu knew everything from that night. She wasn't sure if she should be thankful that he had heard it by accident or should be worried since this might make the situation of her family more complicated.

There were so many possibilities and her head started aching just at the mere thought of it.

Ryu, who was still hugging her, laughed and said, "Well, technically speaking you are not abducted since you have come with me on your own, free will."

Arya pouted her lips. That was indeed true, but still, he was planning to lock her up on this island.

Then, she heard Ryu clears his throat before saying, "About the farting thing. I am just curious; you really would dare to do that on my face?"

Arya laughed hard.

"YES, I will, would you like a sample now?" She answered very loud and clear still laughing.

Ryu's face reddened with mortification and Arya continued laughing hard seeing that.