Look At Me All You Want

The car stopped and they walked towards the waterfall, which was, at least, thirty feet high.

"Yay, it's so high," Arya commented.

Regan laughed and said, "Not so high but good enough for swimming, as the water below is only waist-deep."

"Really? Why didn't you tell me earlier, I wish I brought swimwear." Arya said a bit disappointed as she turned her head to look at Ryu.

She heard him laugh, then he placed his arms on her shoulders.

"We can come back tomorrow. Actually, I just want to have a look at the cave that Regan has mentioned before." Ryu said, very amused seeing the twitching of Arya's lips.

After a little more walk, they finally reached the cave. It was a stunning cave, which was illuminated with sunlight from the outside, revealing a brilliant underwater tunnel on the inside.

They could walk along the ledge inside its cavity or swim in the cave's clear, turquoise water.