Battle Between Her Head And Heart

Arya couldn't sleep. She had a lot running through her mind.

She grabbed her phone and called her mother to check their situation.

"Mom, how are things there?" She asked plainly.

"All well, dear. Reese will be discharged tomorrow. Rita has already settled everything. When are you coming back? She mentioned about your loan in their company when I asked her how you have managed to pay for everything. I plan to work, dear, once everything is well an..."

Arya interrupted her mom's words and said, "Let's talk about it later, Mom. Just focus on Reese right now. Did Rita mention something else?"

She had to be careful with her words since her phone was still wiretapped. Ryu did not have it removed to avoid suspicion from Rita's side.

"Nothing except that she kept asking if we need anything. Why? Is there something wrong, dear?" Her mom asked with a worried tone.