Special and Memorable

Upon arrival at her apartment, Arya started to feel unease.

A lady approached her in the restroom and handed her a sleeping pill. It was for Ryu, all she had to do was mix it with a drink and made Ryu drink it while they were inside her apartment. 

According to the woman, Rita and his men would take care of everything. Rita also confirmed that nothing bad would happen and no one would get hurt along the process, especially, Ryu if she just did as instructed.

A number was given to her to call as soon as she got Ryu asleep.

She looked at Ryu, who was walking around her apartment like he was inspecting every corner of it.

Arya sighed deeply and said, "It's almost lunch. I will cook some food. Let's just eat here then go straight to the registrar office."

Ryu frowned and said, "We can grab lunch outside. No need to bother. Just get the thing you need for your dad."