Nothing Is Given For Free Nowadays

"What's going on here?" Old Master Ken roared as he entered Ryu's room.

He saw his grandson, reeking of alcohol, in a completely disheveled state. Empty bottles were scattered on the floor, and Ryu was sitting down on the carpet with his back leaning on the side rail of his bed. He looked broken and frustrated at the same time.

Butler Omni and Chen who stood behind the Old Master looked at each other. It had been a month now, and there's still no progress in the search for Arya. Ryu was personally leading the search; they even tried looking in Japan, for any leads

None of them dared to report at Ken Mansion on what was going on with the CEO of Ramada.

Because of the frustration of not being able to get any clue about Arya's whereabouts, Ryu drank the whole day. 

Butler Omni and Chen both did not expect the sudden arrival of Old Master Ken at Ryu's apartment.