Rightful Owner

"Mam, we have a problem." The front office staff said on the other line.

"What happened?" Arya asked with a creased forehead.

"There are people standing right now in the hotel. They are saying that they will take the charge of the beach resort from now on." The front office staff explained with a nervous voice.

With a hesitant voice she continued, "Mam they are with police officers and are looking for you."

"What?" Arya hissed.

"Mam we actually don't know what to do right now. It seems like the previous Owner had a big debt unpaid and had put this beach resort as collateral then he sold it to you also at the same time. Looks like there's a fraud. It would be best if you come here quickly." Her staff added.

"How is that possible? I have all the legal documents. Tell them that I will be there and talk to them right away. I'll be there in ten minutes." Arya said frowning.

"Is there a problem?" Her mom asked.

They were currently having a family dinner at home.