Look Like A Prune

"What do you want?" Arya asked as soon as she reached in Ryu's room. She was still gasping for air because of running.

Ryu was so close to her, she looked at his darkened face and asked, "What?"

"The conditions of the contract will start now. Read it here." He said with his annoyed tone.

"Give it to me and I will read it in my room." Arya answered with an arched brow.

'What did I do this time? Why does he look so annoyed anyway?' Arya complained inside.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" Ryu asked in a hefty tone.

"Oh I have a guest and…" Arya murmured but was interrupted by Ryu's sharp voice.

"No! You sit right here and read the contract now. It's better if you have well understood everything."

"Okay, alright. Easy, why are so worked up? I am going to read that now okay?" Arya said petulantly and stomped towards the couch as she fetched the contract papers and sat down to read.