A Damn Sexy Chest

As soon as Reese was asleep, Arya bid farewell to her parents with an alibi that she will be working at the City instead.

When she reached outside to head towards the hotel, saw a bus parked near their gate and Chen was waiting outside.

She creased her forehead and asked in a confused way, "What's that? Are we travelling in group?" She asked with an arched brow because she at first thought that only she and Ryu will be the one travelling.

Chen smiled and answered, "No Madam. It's just me, the driver and Master Ryu. Please board the bus and let me take care of your luggage. Master Ryu was already waiting for you."

As soon as Arya stepped in the bus he was shocked to see the interiors of the vehicle. It was not a bus ….but a luxurious and comfortable mobile home.

'WOW!!! What a luxury for travelling.' She thought with amazement seeing all facilities inside.