Malicious Mind

"What is this huh? What is wrong with you? Even Rita got lost from your grip!" Old Man Skull shouted. He was in fury. Rita was one of his key people. She was the brain of the group.

'How come a stupid Ken managed to get her?'

He answered in a confident tone, "I'll take care of Rita. She is loyal to me, so you can be rest assured that the Kens won't get any information about us from her. I can vouch for her. She'll remain silent whatever happens."

"Just – make sure - Rita won't spill anything about our group or I will have her shut off!" the Old Man continued with a threat as he turned his back.

The Boss gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist. He knew that Old Man Skull was not joking about it. But, he was confident about Rita and her loyalty so she was safe from him.

Then he sighed. Of all the people to get involved with, just why on earth it be a Ken? He shook his head as he convinced himself that everything was just coincidental.