Transformed Into Sweet Dreams

Dean sighed, another night of backache…

He was shirtless while he was moving and trying to relax the muscles of his back. He was trying to put patches to relieve the pain when Rita entered.

"Oh, I'm sorry… I did not know that you're… Let me go out first and you finish with what you are doing…" Rita said and quickly turned around to hide her blushing face.

She was feeling embarrassed seeing Dean's toned and well built chest.

'Wait? What's going on with me? What am I thinking? Why do I think his chest looks so cool and pleasing?' she thought silently as she shook her head to brush off the ideas.

Her hand was about to grab the knob of the door when she heard Dean's deep voice, "Stop…"

Rita paused and turned around with a creased forehead. She gulped seeing Dean's smiling and inviting face focused at her. It's very charming...