Tendency To Assume Victory

"Do you know how that game played?" Arya whispered to Denise while both were watching Ryu and Mr. Lee focussed on the game.

Then they heard the dealer announced…

Dealer: "With this chips exchange it means we enter the phase of final game which means no more buyers. The big blinds' is now one million dollar. Two players…"

Cards [ace of heart, eight of spade, eight of flower, eight of heart]

Dealer: "Mr. Lee?"

Mr. Lee: "Check…"

Dealer: "Mr. Ken?"

Ryu: "Check…"

Dealer: "Two players all check"

Then the dealer opened another card to add which was ace of spade…

Cards [ace of heart, eight of spade, eight of flower, eight of heart, ace of spade]

Mr. Lee: "5 million…"

Dealer: "Bet 5 million"

Denise and Arya both gulped when they heard Mr. Lee bet 5 million dollars. Ryu on the other hand, stared directly to Mr. Lee with his expressionless face…

Then after seconds had passed he spoke.