We Will Meet Again

Ryu snatched his gun and rained him with punches in stomach, chest and face until the man fell down.

Then Ryu lifted his leg and kicked him hard in his stomach and on the sides of his body… and then Ryu kept hitting the man with all his might full of rage.

Seeing the angry state Ryu was in, his security team tried to stop him so that he doesn't end up killing the man.

"Sir, that's enough. You will kill him. We need the guy alive." The team leader tried to hold Ryu back and said aloud in order to make Ryu understand his point. Ryu was so much in anger that it took them a while before they separated Ryu from the kidnapper. Ryu was breathing heavily in rage and his chest was moving up and down because of this.

It was then that he turned towards Arya. He saw Arya standing near him and quickly pulled her into his arms.

He almost squeezed her into himself and took a sigh of relief. His love, his life was safe.