Look Better Without Anything

"Wow both the KEN boys are so dashing and handsome…" Butler Omni said in amazement when he looked at Ryu and Dean in their costumes.

They were all dressed up for the theme party of the General's daughter's birthday. It was a Victorian Masquerade Party.

Then he looked at Elder Master Ken and grinned.

"Wow this costume really suits you Elder Master. You're looking like a Dracula, Lord of the shadow… Very dark… you look so frighteningly handsome. Like a Demon Don…" he said unconsciously.

Karl coughed suddenly hearing Butler Omni's comment on his father.

Butler Omni misunderstood and thought karl is trying to attract his attention… so he quickly said, "Oh and Karl looks very handsome too but he's the comedian type of aura… not creepy at all."

Karl shook his head for the low EQ of Butler Omni.