A Bad Situation (K&C)

Karl saw Diana's group entering one of the rooms of the resort so he followed them stealthily and hid himself outside the room in a corner such that he could hear voices from the room but they would not be able to see him.

He just prayed that Diana will be loud enough for him to hear, as she usually was, to be able to get any hint on her plans and know all that she was scheming against Cecile. He was really sure that it was Diana and he usually went with what his gut feeling has been telling him.

"It's almost show time! I'm gonna make sure that bitch will be the star of the night!" Diana said loudly as she laughed hard like a maniac.

"Are you sure that drug will work? I mean is that even safe? I'm just worried… What if something tragic like an overdose happens? I heard that drugs like those can make you really high and could be dangerous at some point." remarked one of the girls in the room.