Taste Like Candy

"What is wrong with your Big Bro? Why can't they fight without using dirty tricks?"Dean asked irritably as they went inside his office. They had a meeting with one of their important clients.

Shawn Lee was trying to steal one of their major clients in the business he was managing. False rumors were circulating about all their aircraft and he was sure it was Shawn's group doing. SL Group just did not know how to fight fairly and it pissed him.

Rita's brow arched and said, "It doesn't matter how you fight in business… The world revolves like that. There's no rule…. If you want to survive fight by any means and do whatever it takes to succeed. You should know how people like us handle everything or you people are so weak that you can't investigate enough the ways of our group."

Dean sniggered as it drifted like smoke and he said, "Is that what that Old Man had taught both of you? Geez no wonder you and your big bro…"