A Good Fighter

"Big Bro, these are mere speculations right now and not yet certain. We should be careful and confirm everything first. We knew how the Lee Family is full of tricks especially that Old Man Skull. This can be a trap also..." Dean commented while Ryu was reading the reports from Chen.

Digging out Shawn's past led them to a more tragic story that Ryu wasn't aware of. But the hard part for him was if he should tell his mom and dad the matter about Shawn.

His parents recently cleared their misunderstanding according to Butler Omni and that explained why he noticed the sudden changes between the two and it was something good.

They looked more like how normal couple's in love should be and he was happy seeing them like that.

"There's one way to find out... to confirm everything..." Ryu said in a low tone.

He had mixed emotions... His eyes reflected pity, fury, distress and abashment...