Do You Want To Kill Your Husband?

Dean was panting while he looked for Rita.

"Where is she? How can she walk that fast in heels?" he complained with a furrowed face.

'Is she really jealous with me meeting Denise?' he thought in disbelief. But he was hoping Denise was right. He would be happy if Rita was really jealous.

He reached their company building and pulled his phone from his pocket to dial Rita's number but there's no answer.

"Have you seen Rita?" he asked to his secretary that he met on the hallway.

"Sir, she just passed by with a car key on her hand so I asked her where she is going in case you will ask. She said, she'll be out and will call you directly. I think she's heading to the parking lot," said his secretary.

She must have got one of the company's car keys because they always went to the office together and same when going back at the mansion.

Dean rushed to the elevator exclusive only for the parking lot. He saw Rita as soon as the elevator opened so he ran towards her.
