Marry Her

"Cecile,what are you doing?" Karl asked when he saw his wife fixing herself and hurriedly picking up her bag.

He accompanied Cecile the whole day since she was still confounded by Ryu's news last night. She was still in shock so she was not herself most of the time.

"You need to rest and sleep. Are you going out?" he said and he quickly put down the tea he had brought for her.

"I have to see him. I need to see our son Karl. Please let me see him…" Cecile murmured with a garble voice. She couldn't contain her emotions as tears kept welling up in her eyes and falling.

Karl walked towards his wife and hugged her tight.

"Please hon, let's endure it a little more. Ryu is right. We can't just approach him that easily. I told you already, there's a history between our father and the man who raised him. We must plan everything first and not act rashly. We will see him soon and that's for sure." Karl said on a down tone as he tried to calm Cecile down.