
Shawn opened the television once more and saw Ryu being interviewed by a media anchor.

Host: "Mr. Ken you are on top in the chart in the online poll… So tell us are you giving us the opportunity to watch you live and perform tasks for entertainment together with your co CEOs in the business? I am sure all the girls watching are waiting for your confirmation. They are all, well including me, anticipating how you guys, will rock the world of entertainment…"

Ryu smiled, showing his charming and handsome face…

Ryu: "It's alright with me because my life is clear in front of people and I don't hide anything behind seven locks, so my daily life being featured for a month is not a big deal. I'm sure it will also help for our business to grow more. I should thank Cooper Entertainment and Mountain Peak Production instead for giving me this opportunity. It's like they are giving our group free advertisement nationwide for a month…"

The host laughed with Ryu's humor.