Made Of Steel

Arya woke up early and headed towards the kitchen to help Rita with the preparation of breakfast…

She reached close to the kitchen and heard some ambiguous noises and giggles coming from the kitchen.

Arya slowed down in her tracks and pondered over a little whether to peek in or not.

It was probably Rita's voice that were coming from the kitchen since it was Sunday and the Kens often did not go to work on weekend especially on a Sunday.

As Elder Master Ken put it, Sunday was a family day and all of the family members must always be present in the Mansion and spend quality time eating together. This way he had made sure to keep the family bonded together and this was the one reason that Ryu and Dean though cousins, grew very close to each other.

She walked silently to peek inside and check whose giggles were coming from the kitchen.

And she was right, it was Rita and she was with Dean. The two of them were having fun in while preparing the breakfast.