House of Zeus - Denver and Bernard

Rea: "Guys we will introduce the houseguests randomly irrespective of their age or ranking in the polls, alright. So you have just witnessed Mr. Ryu Ken going inside the house… so while he makes himself comfortable in there and prepares himself to welcome other guests… we should go ahead with our next guest now. So have you guessed who I will introduce next? Well, he was placed number seven in the poll…"

Robin: "Wait Rea, I think I know that man. Ohh I'm planning to take a loan from their bank so I must introduce him nicely… Well, welcome him with a loud applause, he is the most handsome, smartest and very generous young man among our housemates I believe."

Rea: "Stop Robin… biased hosts are not allowed in here. Do you want to get replaced?"

Robin: "Well I wouldn't mind as long as in your heart - I'll be your lifetime partner…"

Rea hit Robin's shoulder once more while the latter just winked at her and smiled wittingly at the audience…