Poor Ingenuity

Cecile was staring intently at the television, watching the live show, she was overwhelmed when Shawn came on the stage.

"He has my eyes…" she murmured, "and he is so handsome, just like Ryu."

"Yes he look more like you hon." Karl commented and hugged her.

They both were overjoyed to see their eldest son who looked so much like his younger brother.

Inside the house everyone introduced themselves to each other.

"We've met again big…" Dean paused as he was almost caught up then continued, "oh you have a big luggage." He said instead, he looked at Shawn then at his luggage.

Shawn arched an eyebrow and said, "Don't we all have the same luggage?"

Dean scratched his head. It's his sis-in-law's fault for always reminding him to practice calling Shawn Big Bro.

"We haven't formally been introduced... Call me Ryu." Said Ryu and offered his hand to Shawn for a hand shake.

Shawn was hesitant but he accepted Ryu's hand…