Throne Of The King

As soon as the broadcast of the House of Zeus was done and the scene of Dean narrating the story was aired, it spread like wildfire and all the news channels and journalists went in a chaos…

They all wanted to be the first one to grab hold of the piece of news from the family itself. Just as expected, the media flocked the Ken family mansion early in the morning. Some people even desperately sent one team to their office.

Many reporters, stood by outside the Ken mansion to get an interview and a word from Cecile.

The news was big and the opportunities with the media persons were endless… but it was still not such easy to bully anyone from the Ken family.

Butler Omni went out and said, "The Kens won't entertain unsolicited interview like this. Please get the proper appointment and don't waste your time waiting in here. Plearse I request to respect the privacy of the family."