My Son

Dean let out a long deep sigh as soon as their cars entered their property.

"Whew! That was close!" he whispered. He felt like they were in an action movie because he could notice and observe from how hard the two cars were trying to get closer to Shawn's car. Their intentions were definitely not good and the men sitting in those cars looked frustrated when they could not get through the security cover for Shawn.

Old Man Skull was obviously desperate to make a daring move as this out in an open area.

He shook his head and grinned. His soft cuddly pillow was really brilliant for knowing beforehand the possible plans of Old Man Skull and his ways to execute it.

'That old man will not be able to get new ideas with that evil brain of his getting that old now… and his brain is now mine already.' he mused proudly.

Finally, another few more minutes and they were almost near the Ken's main entrance gate.