
Ryu went to the Field Marshal's house the next morning. They have to speed up their actions now and Field Marshal is their strongest point right now.

Ryu stood up when he saw The field Marshal coming and greeted him, "Good Morning Sir."

"Good morning. How are you kid? Take your seat. Your grandpa met me and told everything yesterday… I insisted not to involve you as much as possible since I have got enough men for the job..." said Field Marshal Chan as he gestured Ryu to sit down.

"I'm good Sir. Thanks. It's our family's fight so it's just right for me to get involved. I'm actually indebted to you since you are willing to help us with my brother's case." Ryu answered politely.

"Nah. You know that my debt to your grandfather is so huge that I'm afraid I won't be able to repay it in this lifetime." exclaimed Field Marshal Chan in a jest.

"Oh… but grandpa said he owed so many debts to you." Ryu murmured with furrowed eyebrows.