Not An Accident

"Girl you look pale… Are you okay? Why is your aura so suppressed today?" Kay asked as he noticed Arya's sluggish movements, she looked completely drained off of her energy and lacked that pleasant aura around her, whenever she was off cam at least. She was also grumpy lately though he could sense that she was trying her best to suppress it.

"I don't know Kay what's wrong with me. It's like I'm getting irritated for nothing and I feel sleepy a lot too. Thank goodness we have almost passed more than halfway shooting of the drama. By the way, I have taken an appointment with the doctor you referred to me who can help me remember certain things I have forgotten about my childhood, can you accompany me later because Ryu won't be around for a few days?" Arya said lazily and Kay nodded.

Arya already told him the situation of the Ken Family and the crucial moment they were facing right now and to be honest he couldn't still process the whole situation going with the Ken Family right now.