Waiting For You

It was an open and shut case, also closed as the culprit, Old Man Skull, died that night. Justice had been served and everyone involved had been caught and will rot in jail.

All were relieved that the Kens would finally live in peace but, Ryu took one shot on his chest and the bullet slightly missed the heart, but his lungs had started to collapse and so Ryu and was in critical condition and the doctors conducted an emergency operation.

It was a successful operation according to the doctor however, Ryu slipped into a coma due to lack of oxygen for a while and the doctors couldn't explain it or couldn't guarantee if Ryu would ever wake up…

Ryu's condition broke the smiling spirit of the family and the happiness of reconciling with Shawn was shadowed by the coma of Ryu. The wedding ceremonies were cancelled for the time till Ryu wakes up from his coma.