Kiss Me Not (5th book for Hate & Love Series)

Title: Kiss Me Not


"If I kiss you, you will not die but there is no guarantee that I will stop with just one kiss…" 


"Hurry up and take them off!" she demanded.

His eyebrows lifted up. "No! Only my wife will see me naked!" he replied firmly.

She growled, traces of impatience evident on her beautiful face. She could get what she wanted if she could just get him naked!

She had been trying to coax him, to seduce him to get her wish, but somehow it had all ended up with her stripping and him enjoying the view.

"Fine! I will be your wife! Happy? Now just strip out of your clothes!"

Her words made his full lips curve into a cunning but alluring smile. He immediately reached into his drawer and grabbed the documents he had prepared in advance and said, "I need to be sure before I can let you take advantage of my body. So, if you will just sign here… now!"