Cue in a fairtytale-like music then enter this girl. She is such a simple girl but is goal oriented. She has such a positive outlook in life that nothing, not even failure can stop her from reaching her goals. She always use the word goal since dreams are for those who have vision in their mind but does not have any plans of converting such vision into a reality. This girl is such a fighter that no matter how many doors are being locked tight on her face she still keep on finding her unlocked door that would lead to her goal. Her whole life have been a battlefield with days wherein she emerged as a victor and days wherein she was forced to retreat to cut her losses short. Strife and struggle are such a common occurence in her life that she never expect to meet someone who is willing to stay with her all throughout those struggles. She never expect to meet such person that it came to a point that she she don't know how to handle him or does she really need to handle him?