"Good evening grandma." Dale kissed her grandma's cheeks and introduced Ed as well.

"Good evening grandma. I'm sorry if it was already this late. My mom wanted Dale to have dinner with us," Ed said politely.

"That's okay. You brought her home safely and that is good enough for me," Grandma Luds said with a smile.

"But there is something different about you Dale," Dale's grandmother was not able to realize right away the new look of her granddaughter.

"Don't you like it grandma: I'll change right away then." Dale was on a panic already.

"No. No. you look fine. You look good actually. I was just not used to it yet." Grandma Luds liked the changes she saw with her granddaughter. And it's not just her appearance that change but there is a different spark in her eyes that was not there when she left their home earlier today. And she think this young man has something to do with it.

"Would you like some coffee? Just to make sure that you'll stay awake while you're driving," Dale is concerned with Ed since it would take another hour and a half travel time for Ed to get home and it's already late.

"Thanks Dale but I'm fine. I know you're tired already so you better take a rest." Ed then said his goodbye to Dale and her grandmother all the while smiling sweetly.

"Goodnight Dale and Grandma Luds," Ed can't help hugging Dale goodbye.

After Ed got inside his car and drove away, Dale was still standing outside of her house looking at the direction where Ed's car is headed. "Is there something you want to tell me?" this is the way Dale's grandma wanted to know if there is something going on between Ed and Dale.

"Nothing grandma. Let's get inside and call it a day already. I still have to wake up early so that I can accompany you to church." Dale reminded her grandmother of tomorrow's activity since it's a Sunday which is considered as their family day.