Home again

(Daniel's P.O.V)

As we hung up I sat on my bed. My heart was about to burst out of my chest. My hands were sweaty and I was shaking. "I'm dating Levi", I whisper to myself. I screamed yes out loud and gave a big smile​. I raced down the hallway into the living room. Amanda came in giving me a suspicious look. "You look too happy", she gave a glare. I gave a huge smile," it's just a great day today". She raised her eyebrows and smirked."Does it have something to do with that truck?" I nodded," my childhood friend is finally back". She gave a small smile ,"that's good". I went to the door and opened it. The sun was setting and the ruckus of the cars was silencing. Night time was the best time around here. That's is why I go outside at night. I can escape the chaos of life and relax. Soaking in the silence and peace of the night. Only listening to the frogs and crickets that sung their songs. The songs of the night that soothes you. I like the how the moon and stars shine on a clear day. Especially that moon that looks at me. The moon gives me sense of purpose. A peace no one can a light that I love. As I step in the porch. I set on the steps and deeply inhale. I look at the now quiet street. No cars were around and I smiled. "I hope she hurries", I whisper. The sun was already hidden by the trees.