New Neighbor

Zunnie closed her eyes tightly and leaned back into the brown office chair. She took a deep breath and massaged the back of her neck to help relax her tensed nerves. It had been a long day and the headache which had slowly crept its way to her temples reminded her that it was time to head home. The patients she had seen today were gradually getting better, but they would be needing a few more therapy sessions.

Staring up at the ceiling, the session she had with the teenage girl with anorexia revisited her mind. She had been her most challenging patient for the day, but Zunnie was not feeling downcast. She was excited. Eager to treat challenging patients. Elated to make a difference and delighted to help her patients. Even though most of them were skeptical and cautious during their first few sessions, it was most important that they all came for guidance. Something psychologist viewed as a first and great step.

After a few minutes of working, she read the brief messages her secretary had taken throughout the day. Zunnie ended the work day by reviewing her appointments for the following week. Making a note of the patients who had been scheduled, she knew that the upcoming week would be another long one for her. Nonetheless, having a few long days in the office did not dishearten her. As a psychologist, she was living her lifelong dream. She loved supporting her patients and helping them feel better.

Turning off her computer, Zunnie Bai organized her desk neatly, grabbed her things then headed towards "Secretary Nyo's office." He was still there. "Did I not tell him to head home four hours earlier?" She frowned thinking about it.

'My wristwatch is clearly showing nine PM.'

"Ahem..." Zunnie cleared her throat loudly to let him know she was there when she got to the doorway.

"Might I ask, why are you still here?" She inquired.

"Ah! Miss Zunnie I was just finishing the documents for the meeting tomorrow morning."

"Are you done now?" She played along.

"Yes Miss Zunnie; I will walk out with you."

"Ha-ha! Stop calling me Miss Zunnie Nyo or I will ban you from coming to my office. Even if I am older than you, since when have you been so formal!" Zunnie jokingly replied.

Nyo giggled loudly as he grabbed his jacket and bag-pack to follow her.

"Did you get all your homework done? I don't want your mom to nag me today about you staying late to do homework again, even though it's Friday."

Nyo is her favorite aunt's son. He usually came to her office to get his homework done, claiming he got more work done there. He would sit in the lounge area outside the office and quietly get his studying done. How diligent this naughty little boy was when it came to school.

At ten years old, he was already so handsome. Nyo's black hair ran just past his ears and his leaf brown eyes always had a sparkle in them when he chatted with Zunnie. Seeing his sweet smile, Zunnie felt even more relaxed than she had been earlier. His warm temperment soothed her and she seemed to have completely forgotten she was scolding him. His sweet smile always melted her heart after a long day. Seeing him now did just that.

Although Nyo said he wanted to come work for her when he got older, what she did had nothing do with art. She couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm every time he mentioned being a psychologist. His dad would kill her if he found out.

"So, does you staying here this late means I have to buy you dinner and take you home?"

He looked at her and grinned knowing she was fully aware of his stunt. This little trick of his was becoming too frequent. It was the third time this week. He stayed late just so she could buy him fast food.

"Oh my! Have I been spoiling him too much?" Zunnie frowned as she thought about the possibility.

"Your mom is going to kill me before next week arrives. You need to eat your spinach young man!" She scolded him.

"No way! Zunnie sis you know the way she cooks does not taste good at all!" He whined and pouted his lips to win he over.

"Fine, I give in! But you only had spinach once this week. So, what's the excuse this time?"

"I just missed you and thought I should come get my homework done at your office today. Dad has plans for the weekend. He said he will be taking me to his art studio again. Plus, it's Friday, I did not want to go home early." Nyo said gleefully.

Understanding that she would not win this battle with this smartie pants, Zunnie decided to stop at a restaurant on the way home to ensure Nyo ate his veggies. She dropped him off, then chatted with her aunt for a few minutes before leaving. The two walked towards her car and reminded her aunt once again that he vegetable cooking style was not liked by her son. When she was done recounting the hearty conversation she had with Nyo, she got in her car and drove toward Lake-view Condos.

On her was home, the tiredness which had disappeared when she left the office with Nyo, now made its way back to her body. Zunnie let her hair that had been in a bun loose and it gently fell down her back.

"Should I call Sanua? I wonder if she has already landed." She pursed her pink lips and glanced over to her handbag but decided to wait until she arrived home.

It was a Friday night, so the drive home took thirty minutes. As she drove into the garage, she saw a moving truck with people unloading a few things.

"Hm, new neighbor?"