The Other Woman Who Wants Him

Natalia laid in bed that night thinking about how wonderful the few days she got to be by Alex's side had been. He had invited her to dinner twice and both times they had a great time. Well only once, because the second time, she had invited herself; but to her, it still mattered.

'He definitely likes me.' She smirked and closed her eyes. Alex's handsome smiled filled her memories. His amber eyes seemed to be gazing into her soul and bring her to him. Talia loved when he stared her in the eyes whenever she spoke to him. He was attentive to her and it made her feel special. She really wanted him.

Thinking about him, her body started burning and sweet sensations slowly were filling her heart. She slipped her hands under her thinly laced top and fondled her chest. She bit her lip as the sight of his full lips flashed through her thoughts. 'They looked soft and kissable.'

Her other hand made its way into her pants and her body vibrated as she imagined Alex caressing her soft skin. She massaged between her thighs and moaned softly. Consumed with desire, she began to imagine how good Alex would feel inside her. She moaned, softly whispering his name as she continued rubbing between her legs.

The phone on the table next to the bed suddenly vibrated loudly, just as she was going to slide her finger into her softness, bringing her back to her senses.

She looked at the screen and a cold glint appeared in her eyes as she picked up the call.

"What do you want, Robert?"

"I miss you, when are you coming back?" A deep husky voice filled her right ear.

Robert annoyed her. Even if she and Robert Dan were to be engaged she wanted nothing to do with him. Her heart already belonged to someone else. To satisfy her selfish desires, Talia made a deal with her dad that if she could find and marry the person she loved, he would support her. But if not, she would have to marry Robert.

Her mom, however, was furious because she was very fond of Robert. She thought Natalia was being irrational and stupid. Coming from a family who was very traditional, Mrs. Omalu assumed her daughter would want to marry into a wealthy family and live a happy life. The good Lord never told her that her daughter had no intentions of following her family's long-standing tradition.

Hearing him say he missed her now, Natalia rolled her eyes.

"You're being ridiculous Robert. We've only met three times how could you miss me. I will not marry you so stop trying." She gritted her teeth and hang up the call.

Robert Dan was a good man who came from a wealthy family and had good looks. However, he still couldn't win Natalia's heart. He did not want to give up and kept courting her. When she first met him, he said it was love at first sight and wanted to have her for himself. Robert constantly made ways to appear in front of her, only to be ignored. When their parents introduced them, he was like a kid at a candy store but Talia was the least interested in their facade.

After she hung up on Robert, Natalia tried to call Alex to find out whether he wanted to have lunch with her the following day but he did not answer her call.


Morning came quickly for Natalia the next day. She groggily stretched in bed and let out a yawn. She picked up her phone to see if her Alex had called back and pouted when she saw no missed call from him. Seeing as she had no missed call from Alex, she made plans to bring him breakfast. She skipped happily into the bathroom, took a quick shower, and headed to Arch.deZIgns.

On the way, she made a stop at an expensive breakfast restaurant and ordered for two people. Natalia was in her happiest mood when she walked into the building. She loved the looks and respect the employees gave her. Their stares gave her a sense of superiority and she undeniably felt like she was Miss Zi.

Secretary Zhang saw Natalia step out of the elevator on his way to the big boss' office. Out of respect, he led the way since they were both going to the same door. He knocked when he was in front of the door.

"Come in," Alex answered when he heard the knock.

"Sir, I have the documents you wanted. Also, you have a guest." Zhang entered, handed the documents to his boss and left the office.

The last person Alex was expecting to show up was Natalia. She stood in front of the door with two bags.

"Hello Alex, good to see you again." She said as though they had not just seen each other the night before.

He smiled and replied, "To what do I owe this visit?"

"I planned to have breakfast with my assistant, but she had a last-minute meeting to attend. I didn't want to eat alone. The restaurant was close by, so I thought we could eat together. That is, if you're hungry." She walked in and sat down on the tan couch in the office, hoping Alex would say yes to her well thought of excuse.

Alex was about to refuse when he remembered he hadn't eaten breakfast. He was intending to ask his secretary to get him some, but Talia offered before he could.

"Mhm," he walked over and sat on the couch opposite from her. She frowned as disappointment filled her heart. They ate breakfast silently while Alex read emails on his phone.

When they were done, Alex thanked her for breakfast and politely kicked her out, because he had a meeting with his project management crew about an upcoming hotel construction design.