San Save Me

As the host began announcing the first item for the auction, Zunnie's heart started pounding. She took a sharp breath, patiently waiting for him to call her name. Biting her bottom lip, she squeezed her eyes shut.

However, she felt relieved when he said, " emerald bracelet, worth seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars…" The bid started at nine hundred thousand dollars and quickly soared to one million dollars. The guests were astounded when an older man in his seventies purchased the bracelet. Unbeknownst to everyone, he came specifically for this piece, having eyed it for years. When he learned it would be auctioned, he ensured he received an invitation. Delighted, he watched as the host moved on to the next item.

As the auction progressed, Zunnie gradually began to relax. 'Perhaps they were playing a prank on me,' she thought.

As the even progressed, she attempted to find a way out of meeting anyone else and sent Sanua a text:

"So, my dad and brother made plans to auction a dinner date with me. Please help! Don't want to end up spending an hour eating with an oddball. Please buy me!"

"Haha…lol.. your family sure likes to tease you. Sorry but you're too expensive…I'm not buying." Sanua speedily replied to her plea.

"I'm begging you, San…" Zunnie felt hopeless and wondered if her friend had been shushed by her dad. 

Sorry babe, but your dad will kill me if I intervene. He warned me earlier not to even blink during the auction. 'Don't you dare blink during the auction today.'…his exact words. Thought he was joking, but I guess not. Ha-ha so funny, fighting!"

Zunnie was left speechless; she felt like crying. They were clearly having fun at her discomfort.


"Someone's angry, hehe."

While Sanua cherished her friendship with Zunnie, she was also thrilled. They had been friends for a long time, and Zunnie still remained an untouched flower.

In high school, Zunnie had been popular among the boys, but education had always been her priority. Sanua sometimes doubted whether Zunnie had a heart. She hoped that whoever showed interest tonight would sweep her off her feet, just like in romantic movies. She smiled when Zunnie made eye contact with her, and she couldn't help but chuckle after seeing Zunnie's fiery glare.

Zunnie was furious, knowing her dad had threatened Sanua, her only hope out of this mess. Now, she had no help. She sighed and began praying. Time passed, and finally, it was her turn.

"Our final item on our auction list is a dinner to get to know the face behind the Bai Children's Hospital. She has been busy working behind the scenes, ensuring the success of the hospital. The brilliant and beautiful young madam of the Bai family, Zunnie Bai."

Upon hearing her name, Zunnie's heart threatened to leave her chest and run away. The last time she stood before a crowd had been during her valedictorian speech in college. Nervously, she stood up and walked to the stage.

"One million..." Sanua shouted before Zunnie even reached the stage, her eagerness causing laughter to ripple through the room.

Wan Bai turned to glare in Sanua's direction, sending a chill down her spine. Zunnie couldn't help but grin when she caught her dad's reaction. However, the joy was short-lived.

"A hundred and fifty million." A male voice from across the room rang out, astounded by Zunnie's beauty. Unaware that the Bai family had such a stunning member, he smirked at the thought of winning her.

Malon Nang, an actor from Bai Entertainment Corp, was the one raising the bid. Zunnie stood there flabbergasted, hearing him escalate the bid. Despite his attractiveness, she was quite familiar with his playboy reputation, as he often appeared in the media. Thinking about that, she couldn't help but groan inside and pray for a savior.

'Spending one minute next to this flirt would drive me crazy… San, save me.' She swept her eyes to where Sanua sat, only to be met with a shrug from her friend. Disappointment filled Zunnie's delicate heart.


Outside the dining hall, Alex was on a call with his secretary, addressing issues with the construction company collaborating on the hotel project. Unfortunately, they faced a one-day delay due to bad weather affecting the steel delivery. Unable to avoid the situation, Alex gave instructions to postpone the construction until the materials arrived and then hung up, returning to his seat.

He had no idea what was being auctioned, but when he looked toward the stage, he was stunned to see the woman he had encountered in the lobby standing next to the host. A smile crossed his face as he remembered their brief conversation. However, she had been so quick-witted in running away that he hadn't noticed she was gone until she reached the entrance. He had tried to catch up, but she was already seated when he walked in.

Taking a sip from his whiskey, a male voice behind him shouted, "A hundred and fifty million!"

Turning, Alex saw Malon Nang, smirking in the direction of the stage. An angry fire rose in his chest. He had no idea what was happening but still shouted, "Two hundred and fifty million!"