I Want You

Wan and Eyan Bai exchanged smiles, amused by the results of the auction. Eyan, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, silently promised himself to tease Zunnie relentlessly the next day. He found amusement in the idea of her having suitors. Hoping it would put an end to their dad's peculiar attempts at setting her up on blind dates, he was please that Alexander Zi was the lucky winner. While Eyan believed he had saved her from an awkward dinner, he anticipated Zunnie's wrath, and he was prepared to face it.

Zunnie let out a sigh of relief as she approached her family's seating area. The auction ordeal was finally over. Taking her seat, she watched her dad rise to deliver the closing remarks, signaling the end of the formal proceedings. He invited everyone to enjoy the after-party.

After her dad's speech, Zunnie's eyes roved across the room, searching for a familiar face. Spotting Sanua, she navigated through the crowd to confront her friend for letting someone else win the bid. As she reached Sanua's side, ready to express her discontent, Zunnie noticed that Sanua wasn't alone. Sanua was engrossed in a lively conversation with Hunter Brown, the owner of Club Zen. Zunnie had seen Hunter on a few occasions but never formally met him.

Spotting Zunnie's approach, Sanua acted nonchalant, as if oblivious to any betrayal. She enveloped Zunnie in a tight hug and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, Hunter here vouched for Alexander Zi. He's a good guy."

Zunnie fixed a disapproving glare on Sanua, her silence louder than words.

"Zunnie Boo, this is the owner of Club Zen. By the way, you looked stunning up there. I had no idea Malon Nang was interested in you...haha."

Rolling her eyes at Sanua's teasing, Zunnie managed a smile and turned to Hunter.

"Zunnie Bai, nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Bai. Thank you for putting on an exquisite gala."

"You're welcome. I will thank my brother since he's the one behind it all."

Not wanting to mingle too much, Zunnie decided to go find her father and brother. The after-party was in full swing, with guests dancing, chatting, and enjoying the lively atmosphere. Zunnie strolled through the crowd, occasionally stopping to exchange pleasantries with familiar faces who approached her. She wondered around the crowded room but could not find them and decided to return to where she left Hunter and Sanua.

"Sanua got a call and said to let you know she will be back," Hunter informed Zunnie, who had returned munching on a slice of cake.

"Oh okay.."

"So, that was an exciting auction…" Hunter remarked, seeming rather amused.

"I must say, I got to make more money than I expected. Enough to open a few departments at the hospital," Zunnie shared, her smile revealing a business-minded attitude.

"Haha, you don't play, I see. Money talks, bullshit walks," Hunter responded, surprised at Zunnie's candidness.

"Yes, at the end of the day, I am a businesswoman after all. How long have you known San?"

"We've known each other for a few years now. She's a regular at my bar and we've done business together."

"I see. She does enjoy the vibe at your club."

"You're right. It's a good place to unwind."

Hunter observed Alex from across the room, wondering about the intentions behind his extravagant bid for Zunnie Bai. The atmosphere during the auction was buzzing with curiosity as guests speculated on Alex's motives. Recalling the determination in Alex's eyes during the auction, Hunter couldn't shake the memory of their earlier conversation about Zunnie Bai. At the time, he had dismissed it as mere curiosity, but now, having witnessed the massive bid, Hunter sensed there was more to it. He playfully waved at Alex who had been staring in their direction.

Interrupting a conversation with a client, Alex made a beeline for Hunter and Zunnie Bai. Hunter greeted him with a smirk, teasing about collecting his winnings.

"Alex, have you come to collect your winnings?" Hunter's smirk deepened as Alex approached.

"You look thirsty, go get some wine," Alex instructed next to Hunter's ear, his eyes fixed on Zunnie.

Hunter opened his mouth to decline but before any words came out, Alex whispered a second time, more assertively, "Go get some wine!"

Understanding the unspoken directive, Hunter excused himself, leaving Alex and Zunnie alone.

Alex gestured for Zunnie to take a seat, his demeanor both commanding and intriguing. Alex sat facing Zunnie and when their eyes met, he swallowed to calm his nerves and introduced himself.

"Alexander Zi."

He found himself captivated by her beauty, realizing that in the lobby earlier, he had been oblivious to the details that now stood out so clearly.

Zunnie, not expecting such politeness from him, felt a mixture of emotions. Aware that he had followed her in the lobby and spent an exorbitant ten billion dollars for dinner, she couldn't help but suspect ulterior motives. 

"What do you want? You don't have to pretend since it's just us two. You followed me in the lobby, and you spent ten billion dollars for dinner. What's the catch?" Zunnie sneered, ignoring his outstretched hand.

"I want you," Alex mumbled with a calm determination, his eyes holding a sincerity that contrasted with the tension in the air. The bold declaration lingered, leaving an intriguing anticipation between them.

"Excuse me…What?" Zunnie was shocked by his bluntness.