An Unusual Visit

The last person Alex had expected to step into his office had to be Carson Maule. They had not seen each other since the Senior High Basketball Tournament in high school. Their schools had played against each other in the final round and Alex's team came out victorious.

Although they went to the same middle school, they had gone to different high schools. The fact that they were second cousins had not changed anything about their relationship. Carson Maule always thought of him as a rival.

When Carson entered the office, Alex put down the documents he had been signing and looked up to meet his black eyes.

"I never see you around, what brings you here." He asked his face expressionless.

Carson chuckled. "Still the same cold and brusque Alex I remember."

"How can I change? I wouldn't be me if I did," Alex raised his hand in the air to surrender.

"You're right. Will I be getting my invitation to the party next week? I came all the way here to get it."

"No, but if you beg I'll consider inviting you," Alex smirked.

"Ha-Ha, I will only beg you if you can get Zunnie Bai to come. If I remember correctly, you spent a hefty amount of money at the auction. You even beat me to her company. So, tell me, how was the dinner?"

Carson wanted to ensure t there was nothing between Alex and Zunnie. He brought up Zunnie's name to catch sight of how Alex would react, but to his disappointment, Alex's face remained expressionless.

"If you must know, the dinner was good. But why do you want me to invite her? Are you interested?"

When Carson mention his wife's name, and that he was also one of the bidders at the auction, an angry fire rose inside Alex. He had guessed what Carson meant, but he ignored it.

"We went to the same high school. I know her, and I'm interested." Carson said frankly.

If Alex seemed a little bit interested in Zunnie, Carson wanted to fight him fair and square to capture her heart. Even though he was not as intelligent and good-looking as Alex, he had been waiting to confess to Zunnie since the day he realized he loved her. Having Alex in the picture meant nothing to him. He was certain that Zunnie was single. Carson wanted to try his luck before anyone else had an opportunity or even think of courting her.

Sitting in Alex's beautifully furnished office, Carson had a smile on his face. Alex who had been shocked by the revelation uttered not a single word. He knew Carson did not stand a chance against him. After all, Zunnie was already his and there was nothing for him to be afraid of.

Alex got up from his seat, walked to the glass window which overlooked the city, and gazed up at the sky. It had already gotten dark. He raised his left wrist to read the time then pushed his big hands in his pants pocket, as he sighed internally. He had an hour before his dinner date with Zunnie.

He turned to look back at Carson who had been sitting on his office couch with a smirk, "Good luck man."

Carson was amused by Alex's nonchalance. 'I guess there really isn't anything going on.' He thought to himself.

"Does that mean you're going to invite her?" He asked Alex curiously.

"Mhm… Don't get your hopes up though. I heard she's not into that kind of gathering."

"Alright then."

"See yourself out. I have a date."

On his way out, Carson suddenly remembered something. He stopped in his tracks and said;

"Do you remember Victoria Bell, my childhood friend? You guys dated back in America. Please keep a leash on her. I won't forgive her if she hurts Zunnie. She's known for instigating women she sees around you."

Alex couldn't help chuckling inside as he listened to Carson Maule. 'Looks like I'm going to have to do a better job at protecting what's mine.'

He stayed in his office until it was time to leave for dinner with Zunnie. Alex really wanted to see her. They hadn't made love for a while and every time he laid eyes on her, he fought the urge to have her. He knew yesterday was her last day on her cycle, and tonight he may get lucky. He smiled as the green light flashed in front of his car.

When he got to the restaurant, he saw her seating at a table in the corner overlooking a small flower garden. She was as beautiful as ever. Her red-brown hair covered half of her face. He walked up to her a warm glow illuminating around him.

Alex wasn't entirely sure when he had fallen in love with Zunnie, or even when it started. All he knew was that right then and now as he watched her read the documents before her, he had fallen hard for her. Each day he spent with Zunnie Bai, made his love grew deeper; deeper than he'd ever imagined.