When I Get that Feeling, I Want

With her hands tightly grasping his, Zunnie led Alex to her bedroom on the second floor of the mansion. Excitement flowing through their bodies, the two giggled and whispered as they made their way up the stars.

"Can I also sleep over?" Alex whispered into her ears.

"Don't push it, hubby!" She scolded him in a seductive tone.


"You're naughty Alex… What shall I do with you?"

"Well, you're partly responsible for my actions. I made plans to surprise you tonight, but you choose not to come home. What; do you expect me to just ignore that? You should take responsibility." He picked her up and carried her like a princess while she gave him directions to which door.

"Alright, I'll take responsibility. But you can't sleep over!" She pinched his cheek.

'We will see about that. I have no intentions of going home tonight.' Alex smirked as he knowingly thought.

"This one?" He asked when he got to the bedroom door.


"Put me down so I can open it."

"Don't worry I got this. You may try to run away." He snuggled her closer to his muscular chest and pecked her cheeks with his lips.

"My, my you really are desirous for your wife tonight." Zunnie chuckled.

"It's that time of the week for me. My hormones are always that way on Fridays."

"Ha-ha, darling do you have any shame, any at all?" She asked.

Alex could tell she was amused at his bold responses.

"What can I say, towards you there is none. No shame."

Alex used his hand holding behind Zunnie's knee to open the door. He walked in and was astounded at the design.

"Wow, this is amazing. This design is impeccable, wow."

Although the mansion had been in the Bai family for decades, it had recently been redesigned to fit a more contemporary lifestyle.

The wall that came into view when you walked into Zunnie's room was made up of an enormous fish tank. There was a small seating area with a television above the fireplace. Another ocean blue wall was covered with artistic drawings and paintings.

"This wall is magnificent," Alex said standing before the wall filled with the valuable art.

"All these are gifts from Nyo. I've been saving all the artworks he has given me. Is it not beautiful? He's so talented. Hope he continues to paint whatever path he follows."

"Yeah, I have to admit I'm really impressed. Now, where were we?" He snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her to him.

"I think we were here," Zunnie Tilted her head, stood on her toes and kissed him.

"Mhm, that's right," replied Alex as slid his hand beneath her t-shirt to fondle her breast.

His action sent sensational ripples throughout Zunnie's body, causing her nipples to jut.

With his other hand behind her neck caressing it, he sucked on her lips and tongues repeated. Alex's manhood began to erect feeling the heat from her body.

After they got stark-naked, he carried her to the plush king bed, then gently set her down before climbing over her. While planting tender kisses from her neck down to her breast, he slid his fingers inside her wetness then nibbled her nipple.

A seducing moan escaped from Zunnie's lips and she arched her back, presenting Alex a great position to explore her flower.

He rocked her walls until she climaxed, then slowly slid his firmness deep within her. They both groaned pleasurably, exciting each other's body further. Wanting to fill her with every inch of him, Alex grabbed Zunnie's back and pulled her closer. She wrapped her long legs around his sexy waist then gradually rocked back and forth. Her actions sent Alex into a sexual frenzy.

The fucked and made love until Alex could no long sprout, and Zunnie had no more vivacity. She like most nights, fell asleep before Alex.

Seeing she was softly snoring, he pulled the covers up her exposed body, got out of bed and jumped into her shower.

Before he got out, Zunnie walked into the shower with clothes from Eyan's room.

"Hey darling, you can wear Eyan's clothes. I don't think he's worn these. Please stay. I'll just explain to dad if he fusses."

"I did not plan to leave." He flashed her a bright smile and a wink.

"I should have known. Hurry and come to bed." She left him to finish and went back to bed.

A few minutes later, Alex walked into the bedroom looking fresh and handsome in Eyan clothes. He thought she had gone back to bed but seeing her brightly lit eyes he couldn't help teasing her.

"Waiting for round two?" He pinned her down and began devouring her slightly swollen lips.

"Ah, you're so naughty. Don't you ever get tired energizer bunny?" She playfully hit his unclothed chest.

"I'm only teasing. But, if you don't mind I won't mind either." Alex smirked.

He pinched her cheeks then kissed her forehead.

"I'm only kidding honey, let's go to bed. Wake me up if you want more."

"You must really need that sexual healing."

Alex chuckled, dragged her to him and within minutes he dozed off cuddling his darling wife.